FRM News

Update from China

| FRM News

Since it began two weeks ago, Girl’s Club on Friday nights has been a real hit.  Shannon and Barbara are thrilled at the response.  For girls between the ages of 13 to 21, there just isn’t much to do around here. Karaoke clubs and bars are about the only place to hang out. Shannon and Barbara are trying to fill the need by providing a good environment where girls can come and just hang out.  Each meeting’s plan includes games, crafts and activities.  The girls in the house are also invited to meet and spend time with our guests.  Christmas has been this month’s theme.  The girls are hearing the story of Christmas and learning all about Christmas culture.  The first week they made Christmas cards and started baked dough ornaments.  The Christmas cards came with a twist. The girls were encouraged to make two cards, one for themselves and the other to be delivered to patients when Trudy and her volunteer helpers go caroling at our local hospital.  Both cards and ornaments turned out wonderfully.  The girls had a blast and some wonderful relationships are being formed. Thank you for lifting this and all the activities at OFH.

In the vine,
Tim and the clan