There are times when the spiritual battle is not very subtle….this afternoon was one of those times….we had an awesome time in the Word. We are in Philippians 4:1-9, and I was talking about how to rejoice in the Lord always. We got practical and were really honest about our struggles with discouragement as women. We closed our session by having the women share something good, and worthy of thinking about. The answers were great:
– God changed my life, I used to be a drunkard and he set me free.
– Jesus has given me strength in my heart, no matter how hard things get I know He will not fail me.
– God gave me 6 beautiful children.
– God saved my whole family, we are all walking with Him!
It was glorious to watch them testify of His goodness…when I know the depth of the struggles they faith. We had about 80 women in our group and were down to the last 10-15 women who had not yet shared when all of a sudden two women burst into tears. One even collapsed on the floor…I asked Gifti, “What Happened?” She said we just got news that a fire has destroyed many homes near the market and these two women lost everything…. They lost their homes, the food they had for the rest of the month, their few clothes, saucepans, water containers…EVERYTHING….
I prayed and cried with the ladies. I was blessed to hear Mary and Betty encouraging them to stand firm and to forget about any earthly thing because they have Jesus and He is more than enough. The enemy was trying to snatch the seeds planted in their hearts, please join me in praying he will not succeed.
~ Agape,