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Updates from Natasha Chilikina

Dear friends and family,

The Lord is good and faithful as always!!! The month of August is over and I want to thank you for praying for my visa extension. I got it renewed and it is good until 30th of November…

At the end of August we had a Pastor’s Conference and it was great to get together, worship and study the Word!!! A few Pastors’ from the States came to teach at the conference and we had more than 180 people who attended this conference, so please be praying for spiritual growth for those who attended.  As I shared before, we have so many churches in Kenya, but not all of them teach the “Whole counsel of God”…Many of them are build on the emotions and don’t really know how to teach the Bible…

Also, we started our Women’s ministry and again we have 4 Bible studies a week…After a break for a month we have less women but it’s good to see that there are those who are faithfully coming for the Bible Studies…and I am especially blessed by those ladies who are coming for tailoring!!! It’s not an easy work for many of them and it takes patience…J

We have another missionary who came  to serve long side with us…Her name is Jamie and she is a huge blessing for us…I was just thinking about God’s love and how He cares for His children!!! He knows exactly what we need and when…so I want to testify that Jamie is a great friend and sister in the Lord!!! I guess I did not realize how it is important to have a person that you can share with and talk to.

 Agape,    Natasha