FRM News
Joshua 1 And The Heavenly Image
| FRM News
Our destination as believers is not a geographical location – ITS AN IMAGE! (Psalm 17:5) We are being transformed, from glory to glory, into the image of our Savior…God has to encourage us to move forward because we tend to be happy in neutral – we hate change – and Satan knows that neutral is the same as backsliding. As you sit today feeling defeat over your personal stronghold or giants in your life purpose to recognize God will lead you. You will overcome, not because of what you have earned or deserve BUT BY HIS UNFAILING PROMISES (1 Thessalonians 5:24). We have a “Joshua” to follow, His name is Jesus Christ…be strong therefore and courageous, He cannot fail you, victory is YOURS! (Pastor Joe Focht, excerpts from Joshua 1)