HomeSeeing Him Who is Invisible…..Vicky Bentley’s BlogSeeing Him Who is Invisible…..

Seeing Him Who is Invisible…..

Intimate Adoration ~ Seeing Him as He is

Jesus desires for our daily encounters to forever and radically change us. We can ~ and WILL ~ experience Him with all five of our senses over the next few days. The Scripture clearly shows us God desires this intimate connection between the LORD and His church…today let’s pause to gaze into the eyes of our Beloved Savior….

       Exodus 14:13-14:…Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord….

Psalm 32:8: … I will instruct you … in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.

      Matthew 5:8: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

Creation is the most vibrant picture of the majesty of God to me…Pink is my favorite color, it makes me feel warm all over. When the sky is ablaze as the sun sets I see the flashes of pink and know that Jesus loves me!

Ponder how the ocean waves pound on the rocky shore line, over time they gently wear holes in the rocks. The rocks never feel a thing, but slowly holes appear and each one contains water that breeds plant life – making homes and food for the ocean dwellers.
So too in my life the Holy Spirit is pouring over me, usually I don’t realize He is making the same grooves in my heart so that I can hold more of Him; thus being broken bread and poured out wine to others sojourning here.

I see Him…do you? Don’t be discouraged if you don’t – just ask and begin looking with the eyes of your heart. Look full into His wonderful face, study His eyes, and allow Him to lead you with His eye.