Vicky Bentley’s Blog
Call to Arms
I believe this may be the most important message God has given me, PLEASE take the time to read through and watch the video link at the bottom….a life depends on it…..
For quite some time God has been stirring my heart for the plight of the modern day slaves, the women and children especially, who are being bought and sold EVERY DAY…in nearly EVERY COUNTRY…for inconceivable forms of sexual abuse and torture.
Google “Human Trafficking” and find statistics as high as 32,000,000 (yes, that is million, not thousands or ten thousands or even hundred thousands, MILLIONS) people living under cruel and oppressive bondage….
How do I know this is true?
It happened to a sister from our church in Nairobi, my dear friends met the
traffickers and tried to expose the truth….
I will share the whole story soon watch for the post!
All of these victims are bound with no way or even HOPE of escape TODAY ~ while many of us are comfortable and secure….
My eyes are welling up with tears just typing….as if I felt their pain in my own body…Oh LORD have mercy on me….
I know it’s HUGE and OVERWHELMING… there are governments, law enforcement, armies, politicians, millionaires, drug lords, and the like propagating and protecting this billion dollar business.
We must link our impotence with His Omnipotence for the sake of these
suffering brothers and sisters….
2 Chronicles 7:14 says,
BOW before Him now…
From a HUMBLED heart because you recognize ONLY Jesus is big enough
to save the women and children being bought and sold and the immoral
men and women creating the demand…. He is no respecter of persons…
CONFESS the sins, even if they are not yours personally. We are a
BODY and we NEED Jesus more than ever before!
SEEK HIS FACE daily until every soul has been set free. God
will direct you how to pray (there are great resources on the
web to pray for countries and ministries I will pass on later). Just start to pray,
wait on the LORD and
listen to the Holy Spirit guiding you!
This link is a video made to expose the trafficking. One of the experts testifying is Pastor Justin Holcomb, a dear friend and longtime partner in this ministry.