Vicky Bentley’s Blog
Make a Date with Jesus…
The Bride’s entire being was created to partake of Christ; that means you and I, as the Bride of Christ, are vessels designed to hold Him. Trying to fill our lives with anything else is useless.
He sought us out, found us in our hopeless lost condition and lavished love so amazing and infinitely greater than anything we have ever known upon us.
Jesus permeates all five of our senses to saturate us with His love in order to transform our relationship into one of intimate adoration. He initiates and sustains this rich intimacy because He adores you! Jesus wants to be intimately acquainted with all your ways….that is why He cries, “Come away my beloved…run after Me!”
Yield to His love the more we do the more we can literally experience what Andrew Murray calls, “the heaven of His presence.” Just saying that makes my heart yearn for more time away with Jesus.
More walks on the beach…
More sunsets…
More candle light prayer vigils…
More worship under the starry African sky….
Where do you meet with Him?
I always love when there is a thick marine layer fog. I go for a walk because it reminds me of the chabod, that thick cloud of God’s presence that Israel saw. I long to be shrouded in Shekinah glory, don’t you?
Protect that secret place, hallow it, and don’t let anything rob you of your time with Him. We make date nights with our husbands; I think we should make date nights with Jesus too! God’s love still beckons us to come away, to enjoy Him, to rest for a while…will you come?
This is not just a day off or a break from life…
It’s a new and living way of life and it’s yours for the taking…
Are you ready…because Jesus is willing & able?