FRM News
Update from Richard at Canaan Farm, Masindi, Uganda
| FRM News
The year started off quite busy. We felt the Lord pressing upon our hearts to continue with evangelistic outreaches to unreached communities in different villages scattered around us. This had been going on every weekend since last year November which is the beginning of the dry season when most people in the communities are not involved in a lot of work and will turn up to hear the gospel. Together with a team of leaders from the men’s and women’s bible study groups we have been moving out to the surrounding villages and communities that haven’t had the opportunity of hearing the message of the gospel relayed using the Jesus film. The turn up and response to the gospel has been very good. We believe the seeds of the Word planted in the hearts of the people will bear fruit for the kingdom of God.
We have also been busy finishing up the clinic building. Six rooms have been completed this January and ready for use. The past few weeks Suzan has been seeing patients at the clinic. Apart from the wonderful blessing of getting treatment, many of the sick are prayed for and ministered to about the greatest physician Jesus Christ and His mission for mankind. It’s such a wonderful opportunity the clinic presents to share the love of Jesus Christ.
The tailoring ladies and the adult literacy classes continue to meet and learn new skills, get more experience and gain more knowledge. We have started a new adult literacy class as well. All the classes meet and have a bible study before any work begins. A great transformation can be witnessed in the lives of those who attend these bible studies.
At the farm, we are breaking new ground and opening up new land for cultivation. This would not have been possible without the tractor and a committed team of men & women from villages around us. We hope to increase the acreage under crop production and also try some new crops such as simsim, g.nuts and passion fruits. We really want to stretch and push ourselves to the limit this year.
Prayer requests:
1. Please pray that as we search for medical personnels to work at the clinic, God may bring us faithful and committed professional medical Christians to join us in the ministry and He may also open doors for their pay.
2. Pray for our men’s and women’s bible studies that they will always be enriched with the presence of God and experience growth in their spiritual lives.
3. Pray for our evangelistic team as they reach out in the community, that God will open the spiritual eyes and ears of the people such that the seeds of the Word that are planted in their hearts may bear fruit in it’s right season.
4. Pray for the work at the farm and the managers that God will give them divine wisdom, knowledge and strength in their work as we expand our operations.
5. Pray for Suzan, Abigail and I too, that God will continue to grant us His grace as we serve Him.