Vicky Bentley’s Blog

A More Sure Word….

| Vicky Bentley’s Blog

Psalm 19:7: …the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple…

The testimony of the Lord is sure: God’s Word declares clearly the consequences of sin and the only means of restoration and forgiveness.

·         Stand on the Word. Never doubt in the darkness what God has told you in the Light. When He speaks you can be confident that you are on the surest foundation. He will bring to pass what He has promised you
·         Isaiah 45:3: I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.
·         Even in this your darkest hour He has a treasure for you. Look at the treasures others found in the darkness
o   Abraham, found out God provides the sacrifice for sin on Mount Moriah
o   Hannah received Samuel and offered him back to God, giving Israel a prophet.
o   Corrie TenBoom found fleas in the concentration camp that protected her from the watchful eyes of the guards.
o   Hagar found a well and learned God sees her.
o   Joseph saved the world from famine.

Jesus as He hung on the cross, enduring the agony found joy in YOU … He saw you and I in our glorified state…To HIM, that joy far outweighed the suffering…

You too are being perfected. There is an eternal purpose in your darkness and pain. Cling to Jesus! Soon His love will be shed aboard in your heart transforming you into His likeness. Romans 5:1-5

Commit Isaiah 45:3 to memory….wait with anticipation to discover the treasure He will lavish upon you from these dark hours you are going through.

There is hidden manna for you.
Thereis hope to be meted out when you need it most….
Runinto His secret place….He is waiting for you.


James 4:8: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…