Vicky Bentley’s Blog

Knowing Who He Is

| Vicky Bentley’s Blog

Psalm 103:7: He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel
I don’t know about you, but I want to be like Moses….
I want to know more than what things He has done,
I want to know EVERYTHING about my Lord.  
What makes Him tick?
I am convinced that if we stop and wait upon Him,
there is a storehouse of treasures to be found.
I don’t want you to settle for what God does
I want to direct you to Who God is:
I want us to know the immeasurable love of Jesus!
Here’s the thing, God ~ in Christ, has chosen to reveal His love in living pictures we call relationships.
The enemy, knowing the importance of such knowledge, has launched a full scale attack on those relationships. He is seeking to mar the image that was supposed to be reflected through them.
Marriages don’t last forever anymore,
fathers are abusers,
friends let us down,
and brothers abandon us for the things of the world, right?
But God never disappoints,
always defends,
deeply loves us
and died to prove it!
So, I want us to look at God’s immeasurable love as it is revealed in His relationship to us as a Fiercely Protective Brother.
The love of our Jesus is indescribable, inspiring, infinite, and invincible and it leaves an indelible imprint on our souls….and when you really see it, as our Psalmist said, you will not help but to “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!