FRM News
CCHD Team!
| FRM News
Recently we hosted a team from Calvary Chapel High Desert, my sending church. It was such a joy to have them here and serve alongside them. This team was very busy and did much travelling. The first night they got here within a few hours they had to repack and get on a plane to Congo. Then when they came back from Congo to Nairobi they did the same thing and went to Mombasa. Through the hard travelling and small obstacles like (broken matatus, and flat tires) the team was able to accomplish so much through the strength of the Lord. Many times I could see the exhaustion from rough roads, or no sleep, but when it came time to minister the Lord was faithful to meet each of us there and give us the power and joy for His glory.
In Barraka, Congo we had a conference for men and women on the roles of each in the Bible. My prayer partner and sweet friend Isabel and I taught on women’s roles as a godly wife, mother, woman, and to find our identity in Christ. Pastor Dave (CCNairobi) and Pastor Ibrahim (CCBarraka) taught on the being a godly husband and father. For the conference there were two combined sessions one was on marriage, which Pastor Brian (CCHD) taught. The second combined teaching I was blessed to be able to teach on Health Education, basic things like hand washing, bringing down fevers, tropical diseases, nutrition, and other things that could help them save lives and use the items available. After the teaching many came up to me for prayer, questions on health, and even brought sick children. It breaks my heart to see those who are sick who could get better with simple solutions; there is just such a great need for education. During my seminar three doctors and clinicians came to the conference in order to learn ways to help with health and diseases. They are still in need of more resources and education so pray that the Lord will provide for them the wisdom needed to treat the community. The CCHD team also did many outreaches with films and singing where hundreds of people came and heard the Gospel. The great thing was that they also hosted a VBS at the church there where many children were able to play, sing, and learn about God. These children also were able to have a meal which was probably the best meal they had in a month, malnutrition is high in that war torn area.
The team also went to Mombasa, Kenya where Isabel and I were able to teach again a women’s conference on the roles of women and the importance of finding our identity and purpose in Christ. Many women came and heard the Gospel and the Word and three women came to Christ on that day, one lady even was involved in witchcraft. Please continue to keep these women in prayer that they would be faithful to come to church and grow in His Word. The team also did a VBS at one of the local schools there that is in the center of a highly Islamic community. Each child was blessed by the teachings and games the team brought. Calvary Chapel Mombasa even had baptisms on the beach, it was so sweet to see those who wanted to make a profession of their faith to the world. There were even two team members from CCHD that were baptized as well.
The great thing about teams that come out to serve alongside the brothers and sisters here in Africa is that they provide encouragement to the full time ministers. It was such a joy to see Pastor Ibrahim and Pastor Benedictor in their churchs serving the people and showing the love of Christ to all they met. They both were sent out by Calvary Chapel Nairobi and to see how the Lord is using them in mighty was to reach their community is such a huge encouragement to me, and just a blessing to be able to be a part of the work God is doing.
Please continue to pray for the church in Barraka and in Mombasa as each face their own form of persecution from the community. The Congo battles with a lot of cults and witchcraft, and the church in Mombasa is in the center of a highly Islamic area. Pray that all the outreaches the CCHD team did would bring forth fruit for the Lord’s Kingdom.
1. Jamie teaching Health Education in Barraka Congo.
2. Evangelism Outreach in Barraka, Congo.
3,4,5. VBS Barraka, Congo
6. Pastor Brian(CCHD) teaching on Marriage for Conference
7. Women’s conference teaching Barraka, Congo
8. Pastor Dave (CCNairobi) teaching men’s conference teaching Barraka, Congo
9. Jamie and Isabel with Misoka(far right) and Church lady that presented kitange dresses as gift for teaching.
10&11. Barraka, Congo homevisits and prayer.
12. Jamie treating the fever of one girl at church in Barraka, Congo.
13. Team at outreach in Congo.
14. VBS at Mombasa Kenya
15. Women’s Conference at Calvary Chapel Mombasa, Isabel teaching.
16&17. Calvary Chapel Mombasa Baptisms