Vicky Bentley’s Blog
Come Home
Preparing this message was challenging.
I found myself in prayer – earnest prayer – and bombarded with doubts every line of it….
How can I possibly summarize what is impossible to define?
How can one hour do justice to Your immeasurable love, God?
Did I hear You? Do you really want me to share this with the sisters, Lord?
I plowed through with Him in my heart and you on my mind. I wish I knew how to express the love He feels for you. In our world of shallowness we have become immune to violence and suffering….little horrifies us, even less can bring us to tears and nothing surprises us….we are a generation that expects evil to triumph, a people who have forgotten God and gone after broken cisterns rather than drinking from His well of living water. We do not ask because we no longer believe there is anything worth asking for….
Your Father,
the Holy One,
The Everlasting God,
Creator of heaven and earth and everything in between,
changes NOT.
He never grows weary; His love is passionate, unconditional, and available.
Drink….please drink, for your Father is desperate for you to come home…
O My child, you have thought in your heart that you would run from Me. But lo, I am everywhere before you, and you have only run into My arms. For I care for you – yes, I think about you constantly, and I seek to do you good. You fear My rod of correction, but as it is written, it is the love of God that causes men to repent. Take My love, and in taking, your heart will be so warmed and made tender and at the same time encouraged and made strong, that you will not need the rod, nor anticipate My displeasure. ….Knowing My deep love for you, your own heart shall no longer condemn you. My mercies are everlasting, and My kindness abundant. My grace extends to the least of My children, and My tenderness shall make you strong. I go before you daily to prepare the way, and you will be accompanied by My goodness and My mercy. Francis J. Roberts