There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities but it is the same God who works all in all ~1 Corinthians 12:4-6~
Sitting at the church on Sunday was so refreshing! It felt like we were living in the Holy Spirit’s fire just like the early church described in Acts. The Holy Spirit appointed elders and deacons at churches, love for God enabled them to let go of the world, and the church flourished because they ministered one to another.
Commissioning new leaders |
Here in Nairobi we are arising from a long season where it “seemed” like there was little or no fruit, it felt dry and often everyday was a battle. I personally felt at times, drained of strength and even breath to press forward. Looking back, I see Jesus upheld me and sustained me by the treasures of wisdom and knowledge He spoke to me in my secret prayer closet. In a whole new way I am learning how to walk by faith, not by sight, or by circumstances. Sunday the Lord just opened my eyes to His work in the Spirit. What Jesus is doing is so beautiful. At CC Nairobi we are starting to see the desert places blossom!
I am so encouraged to join heart to heart with my brothers and sisters for worship practice. It’s a miracle to see their burning and passionate hearts for more of Jesus…To see the ladies of Rabuna Fi take over the hospitality ministry, making, serving, and cleaning up after tea…To see the Bible College students washing the floors and cleaning the bathrooms…To see our Sunday school classes bursting at the seams with new comers…
Our Body – our Family in Christ – united with one voice, one Spirit, one desire as we worshipped our King in the Beauty of His Holiness. Heaven and earth collided and it was so powerful it brought tears of thanksgiving to my eyes.
Watching Pastor Dave proclaiming God’s Word while on his knees I saw the True Good Shepherd heart of Jesus pouring forth from him. It literally felt like we joined in with the hosts of heaven as we sang, “Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”…I bow my knee before my Lord Jesus for Who He is…
Precious Sisters and Brothers, this is God’s design for His Bride. I know the external pressures and the cunning warfare in the Spirit are seeking to quench this revival in you, in your family, and in your church – don’t give in, keep praying, and expect to see Him for yourself today!