PLEASE PRAY:  Spiritual warfare doesn’t just happen to Christians in America.  It happens to Christians globally.  Please pray for our leadership on the ground in South Sudan and Uganda, as they are under intense spiritual attack!
  • Please intercede for the Lord’s victory in spiritual battles across several fronts.
  • Please pray for the people of the Nuba Mountains, as well as the hundreds of thousands who have fled to refugee camps.  There has been an outbreak of Hepatitis E.
  • Please pray specifically for the chaplains serving in the Nuba Mountains.  Ask the Lord to give them everything they need to minister the gospel in this harsh environment.  Ask the Lord to pour fresh encouragement out on them each day.  Pray that not one more Nubian would perish before receiving the gift of salvation.
Zavala Family: Nairobi, Mombasa, DR Congo
  • Please pray that God would guide in finding safe and affordable housing for the Zavala Family and for the FRM guesthouse. Yesterday, they were informed that the government will be putting a railway line through their housing complex and houses will be demolished.
  • Please pray for the men and women in the church and for the women at the Kibera salon, that the Word of God would change them and that they would walk in righteousness.
  • Please pray that Margret would be able to quit her addiction to alcohol.
Rees Family: Thika
  • Pray for the upcoming elections, for peace and for the protection of Calvary Thika.
  • Thank you all for your weekly prayers. Tom and Cheryl arrived safely out of town, where they will be visiting many precious brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for a fruitful time of fellowship in Jesus.
  • Pray for Pastor Mark, as his son dives for a living and was trapped underwater for 45 minutes. Praise God that he is safe, and pray for continued protection on this dangerous job.
  • Pray for the Rees’ daughter, Melissa, who will be traveling to Germany on a special mission.
  • Pray for John in Thika who is filling in at this time. Some new people have started coming, and John would like prayer for ministering to the new people and reaching out in the community.
  • Margaret is looking for a new home as her neighborhood is not safe after a couple of robberies.
  • Pray for Esther, who will be delivering her first child.
  • Pray for a Bill, a man whom the Rees’ recently met from Greece. He comes from a family of priests, but has become disillusioned with the church and needs to return to God.
  • Pray for wisdom and strength for Tom and Cheryl as they seek the Lord each day.
Gulu, Kitgum, Masindi
  • Far Reaching Ministries’ children’s outreach teams in Kitgum, Uganda, are passionately praying for the children attacked by “Nodding Disease.” The World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and various other experts have unable to trace the cause of this FATAL illness.  Missionaries on the ground say the statistics are worse than what is reported.  Hundreds of children in Northern Uganda have already perished; thousands more are sick.
Carlson Family: Kampala
  • Pray that as they conclude a year in Ephesians, the church would grasp what God has accomplished through the book in their lives.
  • Pray that Frontline’s photo exhibition would raise awareness and funds ahead of 2013.
Kanyike Family: Kampala (City Centre, FRM Guest House)
  • Pray the community group members would enjoy fellowshipping together and start reaching out to their communities.
  • Continue to pray that visitors coming through the guesthouse would be blessed and stay healthy.
  • Continue to pray for the Kanyike family and all the ministries they are a part of.
Eastham Family: Kampala
  • Pray that John would be able to speak wisely to their guards regarding their “Christian” walk. 
  • Pray for Lily as she balances homeschooling the children with working on the Anne Graham Lotz conference.
  • Pray for protection and for victory over spiritual warfare.
  • Pray for an honest and effective exterminator to rid their attic of thousands of bats.
Passion Kampala 2012
  • Pray that John would be able to arrange the Passion Kampala team’s transportation well.
  • Pray that the churches would be able to sell the Passion Kampala tickets without any problems.
  • Pray that God would provide “car host” volunteers with servant’s hearts.  The “car hosts” will ensure the Passion Kampala members’ safe travel around Kampala and timely arrival to meetings and the September 29th event.
Anne Graham Lotz’s Uganda Visit
  • Pray for wisdom on transporting pastors and leaders from all over Uganda to the conferences in Gulu and Kampala.
  • Pray for good communication with the regional contacts. Use of emails is limited, and calling and texting are often unreliable.
  • Pray that they will be able to verify who is coming to the conference.
  • Pray for the hotel in Gulu to fix the air conditioning in time and to have enough chairs for the conference.
  • Pray for the ladies in Kiryandongo as they make the tote bags that will be handed out at the conferences.
Ceaser Family
  • Pray that the immigration officials to approve the Ceasers’ occupation permit.
  • Pray for the continued healing of Eliana’s elbow fracture. The cast has been removed, but she needs to wear a sling for one more week.
  • Praise God for a relaxing family day on Sunday afternoon, a time of rest after a busy Sunday morning.
  • Praise God for the approval of their organization: their NGO, Charis, is now officially registered with the government.
Langley Family
  • Pray for continual growth in understanding the culture and people and how best to minister the gospel.
  • Pray for favor with various government agencies as they move the church and school to a new building, register for charitable status, and sort out VAT and Health and Safety requirements for the Bookstore and Cafe that the church will be opening before the end of the year.
  • Pray for students from Ireland and other countries to sign up for the upcoming school semester in February.
  • Pray for the upcoming Calvary Ireland conference (Sep 28-10) to go well and be a blessing to all the saints in attendance.
  • Pray for their children to continue to adjust and adapt to the culture and language here, especially to the education system.
  • Pray for opportunities to lead their neighbors into a personal relationship with Christ.
  • Pray for increased monthly financial support.
G***** Family
  • Pray for the Lord’s assistance in finding an apartment in ***.
  • Pray for an extension for their visas.
  • Pray for the Lord’s guidance.
  • Pray for blessings over their many necessary appointments with ***.
Scott Family
  • Praise the Lord that their first service in the new venue went really well. The Lord was present.
  • Please continue to pray for the church plant. Pray that the Lord would use them in the area where they are. Pray that many would be restored to fellowship with Him.
  • Please pray for the newspaper outreach. This is a very fruitful ministry. Pray that the Lord would use it to call many to Himself and to the fellowship.
  • Please pray for the Scotts’ new baby arriving in January. They just found out that it is a girl!
  • Please pray for the Lord’s continued hand of protection upon the Scott’s as they do ministry. Pray the Lord would keep sickness and the enemy away.
  • Please pray for the Africa Conference here next week. Pray for the speakers that are coming from the U.S. Pray that their travels would be good and their teachings would touch many.
Mark Piester
  • Please pray for Valentina Kravtsova, age 67, who fell and broke her hip two weeks ago. She is now at home recuperating; her family has been caring for her, including feeding her and giving her injections.
  • Please pray for Luba, who had a heart attack shortly after the last camp ended. She was taken to the local hospital and has been undergoing treatments.  Last week at the regional cardiology center, she was diagnosed with “dysfunction of her left ventricular and atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.” She shows signs of improvement, but is still in the hospital and is undergoing treatment and additional testing.
E***** Family
  • Please lift K****.  Please lift up the family.  Pray for her healing.  Pray for the peace that passes all understanding for T****.
  • Please continue to lift the team that ministers at the orphanage.  One of the babies with very serious health issues lost his battle to survive.  They are upset at the loss 
  • Please lift up that the word would get out to the local university students that Thursday at Olivet is available to them.  Please also lift Friday Night Life.
  • Please also keep G**** and A**** lifted as they await the birth of their next child.  Pray also for G****’s situation with his employer.
  • Please pray for the bike shop.  These are the remaining details; a website, determining an inventory, designing maps and itineraries for day trips and getting people trained as bike techs.
  • Please lift up the interns and staff as they learn to live together and minister to one another.  The world around them will know who it is they follow by their love one for another.
  • Please yarp for T****.
  • Please pray for the Celebration Life Festival and Crusade in St Joseph, MO. Pray for each of the speakers, that the Lord would be pouring His spirit into them.
  • Many areas of the world continue to be a hot spot for missionaries.  Please pray for the team members serving in Kenya and Uganda and points beyond.  They are serving in areas where declaring Christ, or even just being American could make them a target.   Please pray for their safety, for wisdom, for unshakable confidence in the Lord, for fearlessness and spiritual discernment, and for continued unity. 
  • Please pray for Pastor Jim and Carol Garlow. Carol is a fierce warrior in this battle called cancer.  Ask the Lord to be their everything as each day brings its new challenges.  Ask the Lord to strengthen them through each medical procedure.  Ask Him to fight this battle in His strength.
  • Please pray for protection for Kevin and Amtec.
  • Please ask the will of the Lord to prevail in Encinitas, where the Elementary School District plans to replace their P.E. Program with Yoga, which is a Hindu religious practice.