FRM News
| FRM News
Prayer Warriors:
Several of our prayer requests have not changed. Please continue to pray with us as we wait upon the Lord and trust for His provision. Thank you for locking your shields of faith with us as we pray together for the ministry.
- Please continue to pray for our leadership on the ground in South Sudan; continue to intercede for the Lord’s victory in spiritual battles across several fronts.
- Please continue to pray for the chaplains serving in the Nuba Mountains. Ask the Lord to give them everything they need to minister the gospel in this harsh environment. Ask the Lord to pour fresh encouragement out on them each day. Pray that not one more Nubian would perish before receiving the gift of salvation.
- Please pray for the team in Nairobi and Mombasa. The Kenyan Air Force recently bombed an AL-Qaeda target inside Somalia. Retribution attacks within Kenya are highly probable. Terrorist attacks are typically focused on Western and Christian interests. Please keep the FRM Kenyan team covered in prayer.
Zavala Family: Nairobi, Mombasa, DR Congo
- Please pray that God would guide in finding safe and affordable housing for the Zavala Family and for the FRM guesthouse.
- Please pray for the church body and for the women at the Kibera salon, that the Word of God would change them and that they would walk in righteousness.
- Please continue to pray for Margret and her addiction to alcohol.
Jamie McKinley: Nairobi
- Please pray for Jamie that the Lord would give her wisdom on what direction He would like to take the Kibera women’s Bible study and what book to teach next.
- Pray for Faith (not real name); she has been gone since February and it’s believed that she was recruited by a suspected human trafficking agency. She has called her family and Jamie and is asking for prayer. Pray that she would continue to keep in contact, and that the Lord would comfort her and protect her wherever she might be.
- Pray that the Lord would continue to grow the ladies of Rabuna Fi in the Word, and in a deeper knowledge of who God is, and how much He loves each of them.
Natasha Chilikina: Nairobi
- Please pray that the Lord would continue to give Natasha wisdom in how to encourage and lead the worship team in Nairobi. Also, pray for Juma and Samuel as they will be helping with worship ministry while she is in Uganda. Pray that they would be in unity and one accord, and able to lead the church into the presence of the Most High.
- Pray for the Lord to continue to lead Natasha and put songs on her heart for the conference in Uganda. Pray also for the Lord to keep His hand of protection over her.
Rees Family: Thika
- Pray for Florence and her sons, Edwin and Samuel. Edwin for good grades in school and Samuel to stop drinking alcohol.
- Blessings to Gary as he is the new pastor at Brittany Park Assisted Living Home. Pray for study time each week.
- Pray for God’s will and direction this coming month for Tom and Cheryl.
- Pray for Tom and Cheryl as they visit family members, that all would be saved.
- Strength and wisdom for Melissa as she is taking classes and serving at Calvary Chapel York.
Ruth Deam: Nairobi
- Pray for Ruth’s sister, Susan, and the rest of the many waiting for exams. Pray for God to provide for further studies.
- Please pray for Josephine (one of the ladies at Saturday’s bible study); she has been sick for a while now.
- In anticipation of much fruit, is often much warfare. Please continue to cover the team in Uganda as they move from one event to the next. Ask the Lord to be their Banner and their Rear Guard. Praise His name for the fruit that will result from these events!
Carlson Family: Kampala
- Pray that the Anti-American “Walk to Freedom” demonstration would not result in any injuries or deaths, and that it would end quickly.
- Pray that the interdenominational unity and personal zeal, which God started at Passion Kampala, will continue to grow.
- Pray that the sermon series for the Ugandan Jubilee (7 Oct-18 Nov) would be helpful during this volatile and introspective time for the nation.
Kanyike Family: Kampala (City Centre, FRM Guest House)
- Please continue to pray for health, and safety for the visitors coming through and for the missionaries here.
- Please pray against the warfare that seems to be coming from every direction, and that the ministry flourishes and produces fruit.
- Please pray for the final details that need to be accomplished before everyone arrives for the Anne Graham Lotz conference.
- Please pray for the church as they hold the quarterly All Church Connection, where they hear testimony of what the Lord has been doing, cast vision for the next quarter, and encourage the church members to get involved by volunteering in the different ministries taking place.
- Please pray for all of Laylee’s paperwork to miraculously come together and for her court date on October 16, 2012, for legal Guardianship.
- Please pray for others to be called to join with the ministry in Uganda by giving towards Brian and Jill’s missionary support. The U.S. support has not been coming in as needed.
Eastham Family: Kampala
- Praise God that Passion Kampala went smoothly. About 35,000 attended the event for praise and worship.
- Pray for Lily as she is working on the Anne Graham Lotz conferences.
- Pray for protection and victory over spiritual warfare for the Eastham’s.
- Anne Graham Lotz’s Uganda Visit
- Pray that the village pastors will be able to attend the conferences.
- Pray for good communication with the regional contacts. Use of emails is limited, and calling and texting are not reliable.
- Pray for travel safety as the ministry team begins to arrive from the U.S.
- Langley Family
- Please continue to pray for God’s provision and additional financial partners in the ministry.
- Please continue to pray for students to sign up for the spring semester in February.
- Please pray for wisdom in figuring out website related issues for the school and church.
- Please pray for wisdom in finishing up all of the various legal papers and tasks Jon is working on for Calvary Waterford.
- Please pray for the finishing work necessary to get moved in and hold the first Sunday meeting of Calvary Waterford at the new building. There is a lot that still needs to be accomplished over the next few days!
- Please pray for a resolution to the electrical problems at the house the Langley’s are renting. They have not had heat for the last few days and it’s getting very cold.
G***** Family
- Pray for a speedy and expedited process with K****’s paperwork and her obtaining a US Immigration Visa.
- Pray for the Lord’s guidance and wisdom.
Scott Family
- Praise the Lord, the Scott’s were refreshed last week at the Calvary Chapel Africa Conference. God sent the right speakers from the U.S. to really encourage and build up the saints.
- Please continue to pray for the church plant. They have a great location and building. Pray that the Lord would be calling servants to come and help. Please pray specifically for children’s ministry workers and a worship leader.
- Please pray for the finances as a church. Pray for a sponsor for the testimony that is in the local paper that reaches 61,000 people weekly. Pray that the Lord would continue to use this paper for His glory and bring many people to faith in Him.
- Please pray for the newly planted church. They are currently meeting on Sunday nights. Pray that the Lord would give them wisdom when to switch to a Sunday morning.
- Please continue to pray for Suzanne. Pray that the Lord would keep illness and sickness away as she is entering her third trimester with their daughter.
- Please pray for a safe delivery, that mom and baby would safe.
Mark Piester
- Pray for wisdom for the doctors as they review Luba’s medical case and recommend treatment for her heart condition. (Praise! Luba is feeling better and is at home.)
- Pray for Sasha. He had an accident on October 1, 2012, cutting off the tips of his thumb and middle finger on his right hand while working with woodworking machinery. Pray for his quick recovery.
- Continue to pray for Valentina as her hip heals. Pray for her as it is difficult for her to let others care for her as she is not able to move on her own. Her daughter Ludmila shared that sometimes she feels okay and sometimes she says she wants to go home to heaven.
E***** Family
- Please keep the situation in country lifted regarding increased government crackdown. The police have asked for a list of all the people who are involved with them. This is a very intense time. Please pray.
- Please keep K****, her family and crew caring for her lifted. Please also lift up the doctors and counselor as they treat K****. They are believers and professionals.
- Please also keep G**** and A**** lifted as they have their own wonderful amazing time delivering P**** into the world.
- Please keep T****’s adoption lifted.
- Please keep the interns and staff lifted as they study and minister at O****.
- Many areas of the world continue to be hot spots for missionaries. Please pray for the team members serving in Kenya and Uganda and points beyond. They are serving in areas where declaring Christ, or even just being American could make them a target. Please pray for their safety, for wisdom, for unshakable confidence in the Lord, for fearlessness and spiritual discernment, and for continued unity.
- Please pray for the Celebration Life Festival and Crusade in St. Joseph, MO. Ask the Lord for 200 volunteers and stage hands to help set up & tear down. Team leaders to oversee ushers, counselors, people to work booths, shuttle drivers to shuttle people to and from hotels and airport, and for churches to do follow up after the event.
- Please pray for Pastor Jim and Carol Garlow. Pray her to continue to be strengthened so that she can go home.
- Please pray for Chelsea. Ask the Lord to reveal to her the truth about her situation. Ask Him to deliver her from all her addictions.
- Please pray for the FRM U.S. office. We are in need of volunteer help with some very specific tasks.