FRM News
A Little Reminder of His Power
| FRM News
The Lord in His goodness took me from Numbers to Philippians, from there to First Corinthians and on to Second Peter. It was a sweet blessing to feel the Holy Spirit guide me in a way I have missed. By the time church began, I had the message and I had full confidence that the Lord had given it to me for the youth. And let me tell you, it was amazing! After the teaching, the Lord had me break them up into groups to pray for each other to have the strength and faith to grow in the qualities of someone who lives for the Lord (2 Peter 1:5-10).
There are times in our walk that we just need a little reminder of the power of the Holy Spirit…that miracles do happen, that we can trust in the plan the Lord has for us and that He is faithful to give us everything we need–in the big things and the small. How sweet it is when He blesses us with that!
Emily Brady
FRM Missions Coordinator