
FRM Newsletter

December 2013: Christmas Hope

| FRM Newsletter

Golgotha’s Citadel

(Calvary’s Fortress)

dec-2013-newsletterToday, we see many nations boldly pledging allegiance to radical Islam. I wonder why at the same time, many who proclaim to be devout followers of the Evangelical Christian faith compromise under the pressure to become tolerant, secular and politically correct. The few remaining Christian nations are in danger of giving up their convictions to placate the world’s ideology. I have learned that there is no compromise with darkness. Darkness demands ALL the light be surrendered. Otherwise, light creates a dim presence and darkness feels threatened. It is the same with the enemy of our souls. He is never satisfied with our stand for truth, light and Christ. He does everything in his power to deceive, destroy, and degrade our convictions: if we start to compromise with him, we can never stop.

God is issuing a wake up call to the church of Jesus Christ. Many of you have heard me share from the pulpit about our need for a “Great Awakening.” We, as God’s people, are never to be politically correct, we are to be Biblically correct. Though the times appear to be against us, I know that through Jesus Christ we are more than conquerors. The prevailing lack of a vision and no deep passion for Christ causes many of God’s people to fail to do what they were created for. We were created to go and make disciples of all nations: we were created to die that others might live in Christ. This will not be achieved without the guiding of the Holy Spirit, a purposeful strategic plan and daily personal sacrifice. He is seeking the churches for men and women whose hearts are turned toward Him in absolute surrender and with a radical commitment to obedience.

dec-2013-newsletterMy hope is that South Sudan will choose to stand against the tide of world opinion and declare themselves to be a true Christian nation to the world. For years, we have invested in the lives of chaplains because the Lord has shown me that if we reach the military of South Sudan, we can effect the the course of a this new nation for eternity. Not by our might, our wisdom, our power—but by the Holy Spirit!

We, personally, have seen the fruit of more than 400 trained young men graduated from the Chaplaincy Training Program. These men are bravely and sacrificially ministering God’s Word throughout their country; winning the attention and respect of emerging government officials with their godly character and demonstrating to the people who have suffered so much that there is power in the blood of Jesus. In Africa, power is often handed down to the younger generation based on nepotism, bribery or corruption. During the last decade, we have been in the process of laying a solid foundation with prayer and an uncompromising commitment to teach God’s Word verse-by-verse, and rigorous training in self control, and we are seeing young men purpose in their hearts to be like Daniel, Jonathon and the Apostle Paul. God is setting men on fire with a holy passion for souls who do not live to get rich or achieve power. Now, its time to expand our vision.

God is calling us to build a Christian military academy in the heart of South Sudan. Our goal is to reach the next generation of leaders by laying a strong Christian foundation using God’s Word and giving an excellent education that is centered on ethics, service and integrity as seen in the life of Christ. We can change the hearts of the young men who will take these positions of power. Then they can effectively change the direction of South Sudan for Christ.

dec-2013-newsletterThis school will mandate a disciplined structure with the highest academic standards. It is our vision for this school to be the Christian equivalent of a “West Point” for Africa, not exclusively South Sudan, but the continent also. In addition, students will be taught by men whose lives are devoted to the Scripture and who live what they teach without compromise. Students will be mentored and trained with daily exercises to teach them how to give, serve and build the community they live in.

dec-2013-newsletterWe did not go to Sudan to be another Christian presence, we went because God called us to win a continent for Christ and then to send that army of servants to the whole world! The artist’s renderings of our initial plans for the school are included here. We need your prayers that the Lord will move hearts to provide the funds needed to begin this work. The magnitude of this mission will cost upwards of ten million dollars. We need an army of intercessors, willing financial supporters, and all those God is calling and equipping to be part of the training process. I have no doubt that if we stay true to what God has called us to, we can effectively bring revival to the world.

God’s Word says, “Ask of Me and I will give unto you the nations of the world, even to the uttermost ends of the earth.” It also calls upon us, His servants, to carry this Gospel to every nation, tribe and tongue before His return. This is our destiny. You and I were born for this battle for souls. I hope that you will prayerfully consider joining us.

In the Lamb,

Wes Bentley