View June 2022 Full Newsletter
In a moment, I will share with you about visions and dreams. The fact that the Lord allows us to be His ambassadors and serve Him, I consider this to be a great privilege. I recognize that many people are passing into eternity without ever having seen true Christian love and sacrifice. It is extremely important to me to live a life above reproach, doing nothing that would tarnish Christ’s name. Had I not had this calling, I would have chosen the challenges of the business world. God has given me an interest and clear understanding of how the stock market works. Over the past few months, as I talk about purchasing a castle to serve as a forward operations base in Europe, I want to make sure you all understand that Far Reaching Ministries (FRM) is not using donations to cover the cost. I want to reiterate that all of the funds for this purchase were provided through my investment proceeds and not with your donations that were made to FRM. I have
always been good with money and investing. I am not a missionary because I need a job and a paycheck. I serve Christ because it is a calling. I have invested and have made somewhere around $8 million on the stock market that has gone directly to the ministry. To put this in perspective, I could easily retire and purchase a home on the ocean and drive a luxury car—but I would be miserable. If you love the Lord and are called, you can never be truly fulfilled in doing anything other than heeding His call. The resources God brought through the stock market have covered the cost of purchasing our U.S. headquarters, my salary, and many other items used in our day-today operations, including purchasing this European operations base/ Bible school. The reason for the castle is to train and send people into the field. I say this to reassure all of you, who faithfully have given financially over the years, that we are doing our part to invest in the Kingdom right alongside you. I recognize that when you give to FRM, you are giving to the Lord; therefore, the funds belong to Him. I am only a steward. Now it is very possible that the Lord will bring others along who want to be a part of the Bible school and donate to store treasures in heaven. I am praying God will increase our vision and enable us to bring the Gospel to Europe and win many to Christ. Sometimes Christians are very immature in how they view those that serve Christ. I remember a woman who came to Africa on one of our trips and asked why we had purchased a washing machine to do the laundry for those who stayed at our guest house. I asked her, “Do you have a washing machine in your house?” And she responded, “Yes.” I then asked why she purchased it. Needless to say, she realized that she had a standard for those serving on the mission field that she was not willing to keep personally. And yes, the money I have given to the ministry even covered the cost of the washing machine. We are in a time of great financial need around the world. FRM serves in five different countries entangled in war. The physical needs are astronomical, but the spiritual needs are even greater! We need God’s wisdom to use every dollar exactly as He is leading us, hoping more souls will be saved. It is a time of tremendous growth for FRM and we have just agreed to feed 2,500 families in Ukraine for the next three months. We are feeding people all over the world. To accomplish what God has called us to, we are desperately trying to send in men with military training, specifically special forces training and experience, in the hope of saving as many women and children as possible. Our lives are often at risk on a daily basis. I have no problem sleeping at night. The many hours of service each day leave me completely spent by the time I lay down at night. I have only taken off about one weekend a year for the past 26 years. I do not say this is a standard that others should live by. God has to give a person remarkable strength for such a life.
Now to the visions and dreams. The Bible says that in the last days, your young men will have visions, and your old men will have dreams. As I share, I guess this would have me in the old category which I am not too happy about. The scripture is clear that the Lord would use such things to guide us. And when we read in Daniel about Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, it is also clear that dreams often need an interpretation. Recently, I was in Amsterdam meeting with our Dutch ministry office regarding operations in Ukraine and Afghanistan. Along with their connections, things have been going well, with 600 now safely rescued. While staying in Amsterdam, I want to share that I had a dream on the 6th of April. This was one of the most vivid dreams I have ever had. In the dream, I was looking for a Calvary Chapel pastor who had gone missing in Ukraine. I was in a city and told that there was a sniper killing many civilians. I explained that I had shot battalion and division matches in the Marine Corp and was a “crack shot.” I agreed to take out the sniper. In the dream, I successfully completed the task, and I became known for being called on when snipers were killing civilians. As the dream continued, I was called one day and told that there was a sniper in a high-rise apartment structure killing many civilians, and no one could stop him. Every time someone approached, the sniper killed them. In the dream, I told everyone not to worry that I would deal with him. I entered the structure with another sniper that I had been working with. I told him that I would take the lead as we cleared the building floor by floor. The other man working with me watched our back in case somehow we missed the sniper. As I rounded a corner, I saw plastic and carpet on the floor that was moving. Knowing this was an old sniper trick to hide like this, I immediately raised my weapon to fire. But something told me not to, so I approached the plastic carefully with my weapon ready. When I pulled the carpet back, there were four little boys, between the ages of three and five, hiding. I asked them, “Where are your parents?” And they told me that they did not know. They were so scared. I asked the boys, “Do you want to come home and live with me?” They said, “Yes,” and all four of them rushed over, put their arms around my waist and legs, and hugged me. Still in the dream, I started to cry. It was painful to see children so afraid and without parents. The dream was so vivid that I woke up with tears coming down my face. I have never, as an adult, ever awoken with tears in my eyes. Vicky had gotten up early to spend time with the Lord—it was 4:30 in the morning. She came and asked what happened; then, I explained the dream. Vicky had tears in her eyes because she had never seen me cry. It took a while for the disturbing emotion to subside because the dream was just so vivid and real. I kept wondering why I had, had such a dream. Were the boys out there, and I needed to go find them? In 46 years of walking with the Lord, I have only had four dreams that I sensed were from Him. Vicky and I agreed that I needed to ask the Lord for an interpretation. I asked two very Godly and spiritually gifted men (one a pastor) to pray with me and share if the Lord gave them any insight into the dream.
Both shared their insights, and it all fit together with what God has been revealing to me. One, there are children in Ukraine whose parents have been killed and are alone and scared. God wants His church to be willing to rescue them and possibly adopt them. Two, the Lord was showing me His heart for the people of Ukraine. Many have lost everything dear to them. Their lives have been shattered, and the ability to rebuild for many is impossible. They are too old and do not have the ability to earn enough to rebuild. Vicky and I paid off our home many years ago, and if we wanted, we could easily purchase a vacation home or some other type of luxury. But personally, I would rather use the resources Christ has given me to help those who cannot afford a home. Sometimes, we lose sight of what is important. While I do believe that those who have been blessed with wealth, as long as they tithe and give gifts, have the right to enjoy what the Lord has given. Personally, I find far more joy in caring for others. Truthfully, I prefer a simpler standard of living. I want you to understand that FRM needs your support now more than ever because we have never been in a time where we have so much need and so many to rescue. Last year alone, the ministry doubled in size, and the need also doubled. We have dispatched men and funds into Ukraine, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Burma. We have just agreed to take on 100 new missionaries in Nigeria that are going north to the radical Islamic tribes that are killing everybody. We have not raised the support for them yet, but we have still made the decision to start the support because the need is so great. We have not lost sight of our primary objective: to share Christ with everyone. So please pray and ask the Lord what your part is in ministering to the people of Ukraine, Afghanistan, and all these other nations. As I write this newsletter, I will cross into Ukraine tomorrow.
Wes Bentley
Far Reaching Ministries