FRM News
Angel Primary School ~ by Vicky Bentley
| FRM News
Today Love Covered Angel Primary school. Fifty four students received love packs filled with mosquito nets, blankets, school supplies, and a uniform. Wes shared the final message and extended an invitation for anyone who was not sure where they would go when they die the chance to receive Jesus. This old man sat in the same shade as the children but was off to the side…..I could not help but think of my own grandfather, Claude, who is 92 years old and does not know the Lord. God in His love and mercy continually stretches forth His hand to forgive and receive the lost. Would you please pray that Claude will accept Jesus? Wes and I have shared with him many times but he says he will, “take his chances.” Last week he had a series of strokes or seizures and we feel he is not long for this world. How I long to know he will be in heaven with my grandmother….may God’s love cover more children in Sudan and also span the ocean to reach our family, friends, and neighbors in the USA.