FRM News

December 2016: Taking the Battle to the Enemy

Check out the full December brochure here. What started out as a vision of a chaplaincy corps for the South Sudan Army has become an army of faithful men, devoted to serving the Lord. Over the years, the Lord has entrusted Far Reaching Ministries (FRM) with a greater reach into a nation locked in unending […]

Front Page Pic
August 2016: Ten Thousand Years

View the full August newsletter here I had landed in country on the 21st of June to look at property for the Home for Orphan Mothers’ project. I loved being back in the area, even though it was only for nine days. On my first night in country, I met with several missionaries for dinner. It was […]

Medical Supplied being Delivered to the Nuba Mountains
May 2016: The Storm

View the full May 2016 newsletter here. Over the many years that I have been in ministry, I have watched many believers be stumbled when a brother or sister in the faith acts no different from someone in the world and speaks bitter, jealous, or insulting comments behind their back. Jesus never deviated from honesty, […]

Inconvenience Yourself

In Philippians 2:5-8 we have an excellent and most powerful account of our Lord and Savior’s downward spiral from a heavenly home to the earth that He created. There is no greater humiliation for Christ than to be made like His own creation and then to suffer a violent death at the hands of the […]

Please Join us in Prayer

SOUTH SUDAN Pray for this 9th class of chaplains who just graduated. Many will be sent directly to the front lines–areas experiencing heavy conflict. Ask the Lord to equip them for ministry in these hard and dangerous conditions. Pray against the rhetoric and posturing from the government of north Sudan. Their threats to the international community and the […]

Listening to the Spirit

On Thursday morning, a political opposition leader (the president’s nemesis) appeared in downtown Kampala and started addressing a crowd.  The police considered this an “unsanctioned rally,” so they arrested the opposition leader and fired tear gas to disperse the crowd.  Gun shots may also have been fired. This all took place about two blocks from […]


As I sit and write this, my heart is heavy. Over the course of the last six months we have had three sets of visitors from the United States. Our friends and family came to see us for 2-3 week visits each. It is wonderful to have that connection but at the end of it […]

He’s Too Young to Die

When we think of death, our minds automatically think of someone old or stricken with a disease. The pain involved with death is great but how joyous it should be for us as Christians. How happy we should be to see our beloved go to be with our Heavenly Father.  At what age is death […]


As I sit here, at our training compound in South Sudan, the men are busy with preparations for graduation. After a long and hard year at our chaplain training school, the men are filled with excitement for the long awaited day. After graduation the men will be deployed to their respective positions. Some of the […]

A Light in the War Against Darkness

We know they are out there, the unsung heroes of the faith who are willing to set aside their own desires and offer all they have in obedience to the Lord.  Once in a while, we get a glimpse of these warriors for the Kingdom.  Most recently, we witnessed this on Friday. Brian and his […]