Vicky Bentley’s Blog
Raw Risk
Excerpt from Mark Batterson’s book
In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day
“Now think of spiritual maturity as a continuum. On one side is God-consciousness and on the other side is self-consciousness. To become like Christ is to become less self-conscious and more God-conscious. The end result is the crucifixion of ungodly inhibitions that keep us from chasing lions. [A lion is: a big problem, a failure, or your greatest fear) I like the way priest and author Ron Rolheiser say it: ‘Isn’t it the task of the Holy Spirit to introduce some madness and intoxication into the world? Why this propensity for balance and safety? Don’t we all long for one moment of raw risk, one moment of divine madness?’ As I look back on my life, it is the moments of ‘raw risk’ when I came alive.”