FRM News
FRMA inflight testimonies… ~by Vicky Bentley
| FRM News
Far Reaching Ministries Aviation has been partnering with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) since we began the search for our Cessna Grand Caravan. The team of experts serving with MAF United Kingdom assisted us in locating and selecting our plane. When we took delivery of the aircraft in 2006 it was flown to Uganda. MAF and FRMA have a memorandum of Understanding that enables them to use our plane for their African operations at no cost; in return we are allowed to send freight to our field stations free of charge (when there is space available), we receive priority booking on our plane, and discounts on chartered flights.
FRMA’s plane landing in Nimule. I am waiting to receive it’s visitors and cargo. |
One of the pilots wrote about his experience on one of our chartered flights into the Nuba Mountains…check out the article here: By donkey, camel, or plane?
MAF’s March 2012 issue of Flying for Life contains an article about our Rabuna Fi Women’s Ministry in Nimule, South Sudan. As soon as that becomes available online we will send the link.
Please pray for the ministry of MAF and the wonderful missionaries we serve with here in Africa. We count it a privilege to co-labor with such a fine organization. It blesses us to know our plane is serving missionaries, pastors, aid workers, and all kind of others nearly six days a week! Your continued support touches more lives than you can imagine…God is faithful!