FRM News
Update on Josiah! by Natasha Chilikina
| FRM News
Janet called Jamie Saturday night saying Josiah had a very high fever and her doctor said it was pneumonia. Jamie and I rushed Janet’s home so we could get them to the hospital right away. Josiah was admitted because he was very dehydrated. We stayed to help them get settled in a room.
When the doctor tried to put an IV into his little hand it did not work so he had to place it in his head. Josiah was crying and my heart was crying with him. Janet said, “It’s ok baba, it’s ok baba.” She had God’s strength and peace.” Watching how the Lord is sustaining this woman is something I can’t even describe to you. She and her husband are walking through a fiery trial of the heart, and they are doing it with faith, incredible faith that manifests itself daily.
Every time I held Josiah it was like I was holding someone who is so dear in Jesus’ eyes and close to His heart!!! I knew that hospital room was holy ground. The presence of Jesus was so real.