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The Easthams: A Letter from South Sudan

I have been in South Sudan for the past two days.  Specifically, I am in the border town of Nimule, about 2km from the Uganda’s northern border. The trip from Kampala to Nimule was several hours on both paved and unpaved road.  I hope to return home in another day or so.

Nimule’s Border Check Point


In June, 2011 Far Reaching Ministries (FRM) sent a shipping container full of supplies for their chaplain training facility here.  FRM graciously let us put some of our personal items on their container free of charge.

Some of these items were very important to us like wedding photos and home school materials.

Isaiah 40:31 reads, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”  I love reviewing this verse in detail.  Waiting on God will bring us renewed strength.  To fly and run suggests quick action when needed (like escaping danger and moving fast).  The very last part “walk, and not grow faint,” suggests that God give longevity on a long journey.  Waiting on God’s timing is the way to go.

We loaded these things on the container in June 2011, and the container arrived in Nimule around August.  We moved to Uganda in March 2012, but I needed FRM’s help get me through customs.  Trying to get our things any earlier could have involved great expense and “entanglements” with border authorities.  But we had the patience and faith that God would give us the right opportunity to get our things.

Taking some important things back home. 

Pictured is Komi (FRM worker), who helped me stuff the Prado.

 Are you waiting on God to arrange the right opportunity or are you struggling to make things happen?

The Bible teaches to wait on God.  Be patient, and let God open the door when the timing is right.


From Nimule (Republic of South Sudan),

John Eastham

New Missionary to Uganda


One thought on “The Easthams: A Letter from South Sudan

  1. It was great having you with us in Nimule John! We hope that Jesus continues to use your family powerfully! You are all in our prayers!

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