FRM News
Thank You for Praying
| FRM News
- Pray for this 9th class of chaplains who are preparing to graduate. Many of these brave men will be going directly to the front lines.
- Pray for the teams traveling to South Sudan to work with these men before graduation. Ask the Lord to use them mightily as they pour into the lives of the chaplains.
- Pray against the rhetoric and posturing from the government of north Sudan. Their threats to the international community and the deceptions they are perpetuating have the potential to further escalate the war and send it deeper into South Sudan.
- Please pray for those involved in the ministry that was closed down. Pray that they would have patience in the wait as He calls them to be still. Praise God, He has provided a clear sense that He is in the midst of these unexpected events.
- Please pray for all those that had such a sudden displacement, whose plans and expectations took such a radical turn. Ask the Lord to pour His presence and direction out on them as they discover what He has next.
- Zavala Family: Nairobi, Mombasa, DR Congo
- Please pray that the water meter in the house would get fixed soon.
- Please pray for healing for Twinkle’s migraines, neck & back pain.
- Please pray for Damaris Kemunto, a single mom of 3 kids, who is anemic and has been in poor health for many months.
Natasha Chilikina: Nairobi
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to them through the Bible study of the book of Revelation.
- Pray that the worship team will become even more united through this time of stretching by the Holy Spirit.
- Continue to pray for salvation for her daughter and her father.
- Please pray that God would provide for a new computer for Natasha.
Jamie McKinley: Nairobi
- Pray for the health of the team, as many are getting colds and sickness. Pray for the Lord’s healing and protection physically as they serve.
- Pray for Lois, a woman in Kibera, who just lost a loved one (the father of her children), that the Lord would comfort her and give her peace. Pray that the Lord would just show her His love and she would grow closer to Him through this.
- Pray for the Calvary Chapel High Desert team as they prepare to come out on a STM to the DR Congo and Nairobi. Pray that God would give wisdom to the team as they seek the Lord’s vision for the trip and work on the details. Pray that the Lord would prepare the hearts of those they will minister to.
- Pray for the Titus group (youth girl discipleship) that Jayne and Jamie would have wisdom as they teach and disciple these young ladies. Pray that they would be committed and that God would grow them into godly women with a heart on fire for Him.
Rees Family: Thika
- Pray for Tom and Cheryl as they grieve the loss of her mom.
- Pray for family unity and healing and forgiveness for family members.
- Ask the Lord to be in all the details for their trip to the UK. Pray that He would pack for them, and minister to them as they to go. They will travel first to Gloucester, then Wales to pray for the new church plant in the UK and then York for their daughter’s wedding on June 22nd.
- Pray blessing for Cheryl’s sister Cristy who is displaying their prayer cards in her hair salon. Ask the Lord to move the hearts of those He has called to join them in prayer to take one of the cards.
- Ask the Lord to bless Tom’s Mom who will be having a special time at her home with her class from church and also friends and neighbors, so Tom can give a bible study and share about the new work they will be doing in the UK.
- Pray blessing for Patti, an airline stewardess, who has opened her home to the Rees’ if they need a place to stay as they work on their visas and prepare to leave for England.
- Please ask the Lord to send the perfect buyer for the Kampala guesthouse.
- Kanyike Family: Kampala
- Please pray for Susan Angoma as she processes the sudden loss of her father.
- Please continue to pray for health and safety of all missionaries and visitors at the guest house.
- Please pray for Brian as he is returning this week from the senior pastor’s conference and jumps right into teaching. Pray he will recover quickly from jet lag.
- Pray for the ministries at Calvary Chapel Kampala and the guest house. Pray for the Lord’s guidance in all things.
- Thank you for praying for the ministry in Uganda and for the Kanyike family.
Eastham Family: Kampala
- Pray that the funds are available to buy a bigger car.
- Pray that God guides John and the leadership through the church’s difficult financial times and gives them a vision for His plans.
- Ask the Lord to give John and the church leadership discernment about renting an additional floor for the church. Doing this would be a big step of faith in a difficult financial period.
- Pray for their guard, Walter, and his wife to overcome their marital problems.
G***** Family
- Praise God for seeing them through this hard part of their lives.
- Praise God! He has consistently been providing the monetary support they’ve needed during this time.
- Ask God to guide them to the right physician/hospital before the interview date arrives.
- Ask God to continue to be in control of the situation and that they would not seek to finish this work of the spirit in their flesh.
Mark Piester
- Pray for Sasha and Luba and their church as they minister to the elderly and poor families through the FRM Sponsorship program. One sponsored family with 6 children (ages 15 to 2 years) lost their mother in a tragic death last month. These children have regularly attended Sunday school at their church. The children have been temporarily placed in an orphanage because their father has not been able to cope with the loss and is currently hospitalized. Pray for the family and Sasha and Luba as they seek ways to bring comfort and minister to the family during this time of loss.
- Continue to pray for God’s provision for the funding of the upcoming summer camps. Praise God, for the Lord’s provision for more than half of the necessary funds have been received to date. We trust that the Lord will fully fund the camps once again this year.
Baranov Family: CC Vladimir
- Please pray with them that many Russian people would hear the true Gospel this year and truly humble their hearts before the Lord. They ask you to stand with them in prayer for Vladimir, churches in the Vladimir region and for the new land Ivanovo.
- Please pray for their churches to stay strong in sound doctrine and in practical righteousness as the Lord is teaching them. Please pray for more workers.
- Pasha asks you to pray that they can have some able, experienced, and willing teachers come and do good retreats or seminars for their families.
Scott Family: Cape Town
- Please pray for the Scott’s health as they have just entered winter. It has been an extremely hard winter with snow falling only a couple of hours from where they live.
- Please pray that the Lord’s work would continue unhindered by the enemy. Pray for hearts to be opened and for the Word of the Lord to go forth.
- Please pray for Suzanne as she is staying home most days with their kids. Pray for wisdom in raising Godly and loving children.
- Please continue to pray for the church plant. God is definitely moving and doing something awesome there.
- Please pray against the spiritual warfare. It seems at times the church is confronted around every corner of ministry. Pray that they would all grow though this time of trials and persecutions. Pray that the strength of the Lord would be their guide.
E**** Family
- Please lift their relationship with the Lord. Pray that circumstances are no influence on hearing from the Lord. Pray for their heart’s desire, that they would clearly hear his voice and be obedient.
- Please lift up T***C***’s relationship with the Lord. Ask the Lord to make Himself so real that T***C*** is not moved.
- Please keep the adoption lifted.
- Please continue to pray for Mr. Missionary’s visa situation
- Please lift that the Lord’s will be done. Pray that they would get their hearts desire, which is for the world to see Christ in them, and Jesus beside them as they travel through this storm, able to say, “Never the less Lord, not our will but yours be done.”
- Please pray for the attorneys with The National Center for Law & Policy, as they return to court on June 24 & 25 with a statement of decision expected on the 26th. They are asking the court to order the Encinitas Union School District (EUSD) to comply with religious freedom provisions of the California constitution as well as to offer students the minimum amount of physical education minutes.
- Please continue to pray for the family of Carol Garlow, as they adjust to this season. Grieving is a process.
- Pray for Susana. She is 58, has lung disease, and is also going through breast cancer and trying to keep her job while in chemo and radiation. Pray that the Lord would bring people alongside her to help with any and everything she needs.
- Please pray for the group from Calvary Chapel South Shore that is doing a yard sale to help provide a church building for Loa. Ask the Lord to bless their planning and provide all they need.
- Please continue to pray for Sheri. Ask the Lord to intervene and eliminate the seizures. Pray that the reduction to part time work would help.
- Please pray for Sherrell. Ask the Lord to provide her with complete healing. Pray for the doctors to know how to prevent the reoccurring health issues that she is having.